Best Back Roller

If you have not yet jumped on the foam rolling bandwagon, you are missing out on one of the best (and cheapest!) ways to manage pain and recover from workouts. Foam rollers pack a powerful punch into a relatively small tool. They are used by everyone from distance runners to weightlifters to swimmers to ease the pain associated with sore or overworked muscles.

young women doing fascia exercise with foam roller during day time

You do not need to be a top-tier athlete to benefit from a foam roller. Anyone who suffers from back pain may be a good candidate to try a foam roller, and with so many of us stuck hunched over desks for long hours each day, back pain is a common challenge.

Best of all, foam rollers are not limited to treating your back. They can be used on hips, legs, necks, and almost anywhere you feel pain. Proper technique is a must to avoid injury, so be sure you follow both the manufacturer’s guidelines and consult a trainer if necessary.

In general, foam rollers are extremely easy to use and also convenient to carry and store. If you have ever noticed people using them at the gym and wondered if they work – trust us – they do! We have picked four of our favorite back rollers to highlight for you below, but first, we will take a look at how foam rollers work.

What is a Foam Roller?

Also known as a back roller, a foam roller is a lightweight, tube-shaped device that is comprised of compressed foam. Some people think of foam rollers simply as personal massage devices, and others suggest they are for a more specific type of therapy: self-myofascial release.

While there remains some debate over whether foam rolling is a form of self-myofascial release, what is not in question is that many people experience significant improvements by foam rolling, whether that means easing pain and muscle soreness or increasing mobility and flexibility.

We will leave the scientific minutiae to the experts, but the general point here is that foam rollers may be a beneficial option for anyone with back pain.

The Benefits of Foam Rollers in Addressing Back Pain

Back rollers can help alleviate pain after workouts or pain due to long periods of standing or sitting. They can help prevent injury and increase mobility.

Whether you have just taken the family on a three-day road trip across the country or run your seventh marathon, your back may find relief in the form of this simple, lightweight, yet powerful tool.

close up of young man doing jogging during morning time on road

The benefits of foam rollers in addressing back pain are:

  • the penetration of muscle tissue for pain relief
  • the loosening of muscle tension, which helps reduce the risk of injury
  • the relaxation of muscles to promote recovery

Back pain affects millions of people. From mild, temporary cases that last a few days to debilitating and chronic pain that diminishes an individual’s quality of life, back pain is a serious condition. One of the most unfortunate aspects of managing back pain is the rampant spread of prescription drug abuse. Opioids are often prescribed to adults with persistent back pain, and in many cases, this can lead to serious addiction.

We have all heard the horror stories associated with prescription drug addiction, and the reality is many of those stories begin with back pain. Patients can not only develop a physical dependence on opioids, but they may also experience other risks and problems. If taken with acetaminophen, an opioid could damage your liver.

Back rollers are a healthy and effective alternative to addressing back pain, along with other forms of non-medical intervention such as:

  • alternating heat and ice packs
  • upgrading the quality of your mattress and pillows
  • regular stretching exercises
  • purchasing a high-quality walking shoe
  • practicing correct posture (especially while sitting at a computer)
  • getting adequate rest and maintaining a healthy diet

A Buyer’s Guide for Back Rollers

Because foam rolling has become so popular, there are a wide variety of choices available so shopping for one can be overwhelming! The main characteristics you will consider in the best foam roller are texture, size, density, and material. Let’s explore those here.

exercise workout yoga foam rollers isolated on white background

To Texture or Not to Texture

That is the question when it comes to foam rollers. You may have noticed people using rollers in your local gym that looked like some type of torture device, with protruding spikes. Rest assured this kind of texture is not torturing. It is just the opposite.

Those knobs or spikes will help to target pressure points as you roll, mimicking the sensation of a deep tissue massage. Many people prefer a textured foam roller as they need this kind of targeting of pressure points to relieve sore, stiff, and aching muscles.

If you are brand new to foam roller exercise techniques, the smooth rollers might be a better place for you to start, as you acclimate yourself to the sensation. A smooth roller for your back will apply less pressure than textured rollers, but it will still provide a way for you to ease muscle pain.

smooth exercise workout foam roller isolated on white background

In time you may work your way up to one of the knobby textured versions, and it might be beneficial to keep both on hand as you work various muscles groups beyond your back.


One reason so many trainers and athletes love back rollers is the fact that they are portable and convenient. The size differences between the smallest rollers and their bigger counterparts, however, can be significant when it comes to treating your back.

The versions known as “long rollers” will measure in at 36 inches while smaller options will typically be 24 inches. The smaller roller can certainly be used to address back pain, but it may not be as effective as a 36-inch roller that can be placed perpendicular to your spine while you roll.

If you plan to use a roller specifically to address back pain, you may want to consider a larger version. You could also purchase a 24-inch roller as a backup version you can take with you when you are on the go, or for use on another muscle group of your body.


Density is another important characteristic to consider as you evaluate back rollers. They are certainly not all built alike, and just as they have differences in size you will see some significant differences in density.

The general rule of thumb to remember is the firmer the roller, the more intense the roll. In other words, a softer or standard density is probably suitable for a beginner, while a firm foam roller is better suited to an athlete who trains regularly and needs to address overused, sore muscles. There is also simply a preference level involved, just as some people like a soft, cushiony mattress while others would rather sleep on what feels like a sheet of plywood.


Back rollers are typically going to be constructed of one of the following materials:

  • Polyethylene (PE)
  • Ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA)
  • Expanded polypropylene (EPP)

We understand that these names probably mean as much to you as the ingredients list on the back of your shampoo bottle, so we will try to break it down to the basics you need to know for each.

Polyethylene back rollers are affordable and typically softer, so they are the best foam roller options for beginners. An EVA foam roller is going to be a step up in terms of firmness and density, and an EPP roller will be the firmest and the most durable of the three.

If you have never used a foam roller, an EPP roller may be too firm for you to start, and you should consider PE or EVA.

Best Back Roller: Our Top Four Picks

The back roller market is full of choices for every need and every price point. If you are unsure about what kind to get, see if you can try a few at your local sporting goods store or ask your gym what brand they use. We have also picked our top four favorite back rollers to give you some reliable choices.

Acumobility Back Roller

acumobility back roller for exercise isolated on white background

There’s no doubt about it: we are starting with the big guns. The Cadillac of back rollers, this wheel from Acumobility was designed by a chiropractor and has received rave reviews from customers with chronic back pain.

This product is not for everyone: EVA construction means it is extremely firm, and it may be too hard for beginners or those with mild pain.

This durable device can hold up to 1,000 pounds, measures 11.3 inches in circumference, and weighs in at 3.4 pounds. It is certainly not the most lightweight or portable of back rollers, but it is one of the most effective at addressing pain. Acumobility also offers a 30-day money-back guarantee to customers.

TriggerPoint GRID Foam Roller

triggerpoint grid foam roller for exercise

Do not let its compact 13 inches fool you! The TriggerPoint GRID foam roller is a workhorse. It can support up to 500 pounds and is one of the best foam roller products available when it comes to quality, durability, and portability.

This roller comes in eight different colors and boasts a patented grid design and EVA construction over a firm hollow core. The surface pattern on the TriggerPoint roller is designed to address every kink, knot, and sore and tight muscle that is slowing you down.

Perfect for use as a back roller, the TriggerPoint is also a favorite among distance runners for addressing sore and overused leg muscles. This is a smart choice for anyone wanting a back roller that can also effectively address other sore muscle groups.

Brazyn Morph Foam Roller

brazyn morph foam roller for exercise isolated on white background

No one makes traveling with a foam roller easier than Brazyn, thanks to this collapsible model. Perfect for active people who are always on the go, the Brazyn Morph Foam roller can be tossed in a gym bag and weighs in at only two pounds.

Brazyn Life was founded by a former NFL player, Nate Lawrie, who knows firsthand what sort of equipment is crucial to workout recovery and the prevention of injuries. Made of bamboo and recycled aluminum, this roller is loved by athletes and trainers alike.

321 STRONG Foam Roller

321 strong foam roller for exercise isolated on white background

One of the most affordable options in an EVA roller (with an EPP core), the 321 STRONG Foam Roller can help alleviate back pain with triple grid massage zones that mimic the sensation of a deep massage.

Weighing in at under a pound, this is also one of the lightest and most portable rollers. Used by everyone from runners to swimmers, the 321 STRONG Foam Roller can help with your back pain, whether it is the result of a triathlon or an all-day board meeting.

Tips for Foam Rolling with Back Pain

You should always discuss a new exercise or physical therapy regimen with your physician. If you have a serious back injury, speak to your doctor before using a roller.

Remember that easing your back pain might involve foam rolling other body parts as well, such as your hips and/or glutes. By using the foam roller in these areas, you may reduce lower back pain significantly.

women using roller for hips and glutes in gym

You should start slowly and roll in short increments of time; just as you could injure yourself from overdoing it with exercise, you do not want to overdo it with foam rolling, either. A 5-to-15-minute session of foam rolling should provide adequate relief.

One of the easiest ways to relieve back pain with a roller is to follow these steps:

  • Lying down, place a roller underneath your upper back and shoulder blades, positioned at a 90-degree angle.
  • Keep your feet on the floor and raise your core to a bridge position.
  • Slowly roll back and forth, targeting the areas where you are having pain.

It can take some time to get used to this technique, so do not be discouraged if your first foam roll attempts are a bit awkward and clumsy. The more you work at rolling, the easier it will become. In no time your back roller is bound to become one of your favorite tools, improving your muscle recovery after workouts and reducing pain to keep you active and on the go.

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Tabitha Jones

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