David Hawk

Author Archives: David Hawk

What is a Slipped Disk?

Back pain and injury affect millions of people across the globe, and when the symptoms strike, we often try to diagnose the problem ourselves. You may have heard a friend or family member suggest their symptoms are likely coming from “a slipped disk,” or you might even use the phrase yourself. However, when pressed, many […]

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Best Neck Training Harness

If you have never used a neck training harness but think it might be something you want to try, we have all of the information you need for choosing the right one, how to use it properly, and how it will benefit you. Neck training harnesses can make a tremendous difference to your athletic performance, […]

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The Benefits of TENS Unit Therapy

  Anyone who has suffered from chronic back pain understands the sense of absolute desperation for relief. Patients with debilitating back pain are willing to try almost any reasonable suggestion when it comes to pain relief, and many patients are seeking solutions that do not involve potentially addictive prescription medications. Unless you have been living […]

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How to Stretch Your Neck and Shoulders

Stiff, sore necks and shoulders are all too common in a culture that demands long hours hunched over workspaces staring at our screens resulting in poor posture and pain. Tech neck is a new reality for many of us who are spending more time on our screens and devices. There may be even more to […]

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Best Back Pain Relief Cream

When it comes to relieving back pain, most of us are willing to try almost anything. Back pain can make it difficult to work, do household chores, or simply enjoy spending time with family and friends. It can range from mildly bothersome to completely debilitating and everything in between. For some, back pain is temporary: […]

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Back Pain Relief Home Remedies

  Back pain can range from mildly distracting to completely debilitating, and most of us will experience it in varying degrees at some point in our lives. For the lucky ones among us, back pain comes and goes quickly. But for others, back pain can be a lifelong battle and a constant source of frustration. […]

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Choosing the Best Posture Corrector

  When it comes to posture, there is more at stake than just appearance and our vanity. Correct posture may outwardly signify confidence and poise to observers; however, what is happening internally with correct posture is just as important. Poor posture can be linked to back and neck pain and numerous other physical problems. Despite […]

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Hip Pain During Pregnancy

While pregnancy can be a blissful time in a woman’s life, marked by social media-ready maternity photoshoots, festive baby showers hosted by family and friends, and time spent designing a dream nursery, it can also be fraught with aches and pains, fatigue, morning sickness and more. Putting it plainly, pregnancy is not easy. Women who […]

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Best Pillow for Back Sleepers

When it comes to bed pillows, one size does not fit all. Our bodies are different, our sleeping positions vary, and the areas we need to focus on for pain relief may also change over time. However, one thing is certain: a bad night’s sleep makes for a bad next day for any of us. […]

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How to Build Core Strength

Exercising requires discipline and perseverance to develop the muscle and strength you want. Many people want to develop their core. They do all the things they read about on the internet in the hopes that it will help them build core strength. Unfortunately, some programs are not that beneficial and only result in muscle strain […]

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Best Mattress for Hip Pain

A good night’s sleep is crucial for you to achieve optimal well-being. Unfortunately for some people, sleeping can be hard, especially when dealing with hip pain. No matter what position you take, the pain just won’t go away. You have to bear the pain, which hampers your ability to sleep, and you cannot physically recuperate […]

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