Turmeric for Back Pain: The Underrated Healing Spice

Turmeric is a spice most commonly found in Southeast Asian cuisines. But turmeric does not only serve its purpose in the kitchen. For thousands of years, turmeric has been widely used in traditional Indian medicine, otherwise known in the West as Ayurveda or Ayurvedic medicine. The medicinal use of turmeric for back pain isn’t just an unfounded opinion. This herbal remedy for back pain has deeper roots and humble beginnings, which we will shed light on in this article.


What is Turmeric?

Turmeric belongs to the ginger family. This plant is native to Southeast Asia, primarily in India. Turmeric plays an important role in Asian medicine, particularly in India’s Ayurvedic medicine. However, the uses and healing benefits of turmeric also traveled as far as Eastern Asia. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) also makes use of turmeric in their practice.


Turmeric extract has many benefits aside from back pain treatment. This wonder herb is also used for the upper respiratory tract, skin, digestive and joint disorders. Moreover, the compounds found in turmeric aids in the treatment of other health issues like liver disease, depression, and allergies.

So what’s in turmeric that makes it an amazing herb?

Turmeric extract contains curcumin. This major component in turmeric provides it with its yellow color. Additionally, curcumin, or a curcumin supplement, gives turmeric most of its healing and pain relief benefits. A study even found that curcumin helps reduce degenerative disc disease back pain.

Curcumin also has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-tumor properties. With all of these benefits, this component becomes the golden crown of turmeric. It makes turmeric one of the best herbal remedies for many conditions including back pain.

Causes of Back Pain

Back pain is dilapidating. It can render anyone invalid or minimize the range of motion a person has. These limits inhibit you from doing your usual workload. As a matter of fact, the United Kingdom credits back pain as the single most common cause of disability. It is also the second most common in North America.

Since it is very common, many people tend to ignore back pain and options for pain relief. However, this shouldn’t be the case. Treating back pain and chronic pain as early as it starts will prevent further damage to your spine and back. The first step in treating back pain is to know its root cause. Upon knowing the root cause of the back pain, you can take steps to solve the issue.

Strained Muscle or Ligament

Heavy lifting or sudden movement causes strain on your back muscles and spinal ligaments. Whenever you do not stretch your back prior to working out or doing the heavy lifting, the tendency of straining your muscles and ligaments is very high. Even as simple as carrying a backpack can lead to back pain. Hence, you need to properly consider the best options when it comes to carrying your belongings around.

Underlying Medical Conditions

Underlying medical conditions such as arthritis and osteoporosis give people back pain – particularly those in the older generation. As we age, our spine also deteriorates. This paves the way for these medical conditions to occur.

Poor Posture and Overweight

Incorrect posture such as slouching also contributes to back pain. Though this can be easily managed by correcting your posture when sitting and standing, it cannot be done overnight. It takes time to make a habit out of the correct posture as much as it takes time to lose weight with a healthy diet and exercise.

Walking and Running with Incorrect Footwear

Most often than not, people consider fashion as the number one factor in choosing a pair of shoes. Comfort and support are thrown out of the window without any second thoughts. Unfortunately, some of these fashionable shoes may cause stress and strain on your lower back. The impact on the ground travels from the ground up to your legs and your lumbar region. The muscles in the lumbar region supporting your back can be impacted, thus, causing pain.

It is important to wear the proper footwear, especially when you are doing exercises and running errands all day. You can check out our recommendation for the best running shoes for bad backs for men and women with back pain.

Bulging or ruptured disks

Disks cushion the bones in your spine so that they won’t rub against each other. However, the soft material inside the disk may bulge or rupture. Once this happens, it presses on a nerve where it can cause pain. But take note that not all bulging or ruptured disks cause pain. Some of it lies undetected and is asymptomatic.

Isn’t it Dangerous to Take Turmeric for Back Pain?

Taking turmeric for back pain has been proven by several scientific studies already. The presence of curcumin and its anti-inflammatory effect on the body greatly helps in the reduction of pain. Hence, you should not worry about the safety of turmeric for back pain.

The use of turmeric has been around for ages. For thousands of years, people use turmeric both for culinary and healthy purposes. Throughout this span of time, there have been no negative effects recorded for long-term use.

Who Should Not Take Turmeric for Back Pain?

Generally, turmeric for back pain is safe to use. However, there are some precautions and warnings for people who are currently taking some medications for other underlying conditions as well as those who are pregnant.

Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women

Though turmeric is considered safe for pregnant and lactating women when taken in food amounts, the medicinal dosage of turmeric is strictly prohibited.

Pregnancy may also cause back pain as the body struggles to find balance with the growing baby inside. Unfortunately, you cannot take turmeric for back pain during pregnancy. Turmeric might stimulate the uterus or promote menstruation, which will result in miscarriage.

The use of turmeric for breastfeeding mothers, on the other hand, has very few studies and research conducted. Hence, the information is vague. So stay safe by avoiding use.

Underlying Medical Conditions

Some underlying medical conditions inhibit the use of turmeric. If you are experiencing some of these problems, please avoid using turmeric:

  • Gallbladder problems
  • Bleeding problems
  • Hormone-sensitive cancers
  • Liver disease
  • Iron deficiency
  • Infertility problems


Another factor you need to consider when taking turmeric for back pain is surgery. Turmeric may slow the blood clotting process during surgery, and can lead to extensive bleeding during and after your surgery. If you will be undergoing surgery, stop using turmeric before your scheduled surgery at least 2 weeks prior.

What is the Best Turmeric for Back Pain?

The use of turmeric for back pain essentially helps people lessen their agony. As long as you do not have the above-mentioned contraindications, you can take turmeric for back pain as per the doctor’s advice.

There are many turmeric supplements available in the market today, from pills to turmeric root to turmeric tea. These supplements are not only good for back pain, but other health conditions as well. However, do you know which supplements to trust? Will you just grab something from the shelf just because you see that it contains turmeric?

Knowing the best turmeric for back pain becomes a crucial piece for your health. So make sure that you get the best turmeric supplement on the market. Here are our recommended finds:

Bio Schwartz Premium Ultra Pure Turmeric Curcumin

What makes this brand’s turmeric supplement the best in the market is its high-potency with 95% standardized curcuminoids. It also contains Bioperine for enhanced absorption into the body.

This product is all-natural and non-GMO, so even vegans can use this. Moreover, it does not contain any fillers, preservatives, or binders. Hence, you can be assured that what you get is truly natural and beneficial to your health.

Why we like it:

  • High absorption rate
  • Made in the USA with strict GMP guidelines
  • Allergen-free and gluten-free
  • Great for vegans


Naturewise Organic Turmeric Curcumin

Nothing beats organic turmeric for back pain. Each capsule contains 750mg of organic curcumin. The 95% curcuminoids support everything that turmeric stands for: joint health, cardiovascular health, and cognitive health.

Apart from the organic curcumin, it further contains organic ginger and Bioperine. Bioperine is a black pepper extract that increases the absorption capability of curcumin into the body. Hence, you can be assured that you get what your body really needs from these capsules.

Why we like it:

  • Gluten-free and non-GMO
  • Vegan-friendly
  • Supports over-all aging process

Nature’s Base Turmeric Curcumin and Ginger with Apple Cider Vinegar

Nature’s Base turmeric supplement is a unique formula that contains apple cider vinegar apart from the usual ginger and black pepper contents of other turmeric capsules.

Apple cider vinegar contains different minerals such as calcium, potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium. Lack of these minerals can worsen the pain you are feeling. Magnesium, in particular, helps in calcium absorption of the bones. Thus, increasing bone strength, which is essential for back support.

Moreover, the use of this turmeric for back pain further infuses the body with probiotics and enzymes. The contents of this supplement also cleanse and detoxify the body while ensuring that you get all the benefits of turmeric.

Why we like it:

  • Enhanced with apple cider vinegar
  • Stimulates immune system
  • Natural plant-based antioxidant properties
  • Contains hawthorn berry powder

BeLive Turmeric Ginger with Black Pepper Gummies

When you’re taking too many pills and you hate the addition of another capsule, why not go for gummies instead? Turmeric gummies are also a trend for people who want to benefit from turmeric. These gummies have tropical flavor and are considered as a dietary supplement to boost your daily turmeric intake.

The gummies are sand-coated so that they are protected from heat. Despite the temperature and shipping conditions, you can be assured to get non-melting and non-sticking gummies. Just like any other turmeric for back pain on our list, these turmeric gummies also contain ginger and black pepper extract to increase its absorption rate. You do not have to worry about not getting the benefits despite its gummy formulation. The products are formulated to ensure that you get the benefits that capsule turmeric supplements provide.

Why we like it:

  • Chewable gummy form
  • Protected from the heat
  • Contains ginger and black pepper extract
  • Flavored with tropical tapioca
  • No bitter after-taste
  • No artificial colors and additives

Sports Research Turmeric Curcumin C3 Complex with Black Pepper and Organic Coconut Oil

Athletes often have to suffer from back pain. Either it is from lack of stretching or injuries, athletes experiencing back pain need to supplement with turmeric to ease the throbbing feeling. There is no better turmeric for back pain intended for athletes than the one from Sports Research.

Every soft gel capsule contains 95% curcuminoids and is further formulated with Bioperine and extra virgin organic coconut oil for the best absorption possible. Verified by the IGEN program to be non-GMO, this supplement does not contain any preservatives and fillers. Additionally, it is free from soy, and artificial colorings.

While some supplements require you to drink several capsules a day, this turmeric for back pain supplement only requires you to take it once a day. So there’s less hassle and more chances of remembering a dose.

Why we like it:

  • One capsule per day formula
  • Gluten-free and soy-free
  • Enhanced with organic virgin coconut oil
  • Non-GMO verified by IGEN program


Suffering from back pain decreases your chance of living a normal life due to sore muscles. Whatever the cause of your back pain is, make sure that you get treatment for it. Supplementary treatments for chronic pain and sore muscles, such as using turmeric aids in easing pain symptoms so that you can get back to your normal life activities.

However, you need to be mindful of the turmeric you are using. Not all supplements are created equal, and not all supplements are generally healthy for you.

It is also advisable to consult with your doctor first before including turmeric as your supplement. There are certain conditions that do not warrant the use of turmeric. Hence, ask for your physician’s advice before using turmeric for back pain.

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David Hawk

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