Best Back Pain Relief Cream

When it comes to relieving back pain, most of us are willing to try almost anything. Back pain can make it difficult to work, do household chores, or simply enjoy spending time with family and friends. It can range from mildly bothersome to completely debilitating and everything in between.

For some, back pain is temporary: the result of a sports injury or even a few nights of sleeping on a bad mattress at a family reunion. For others, back issues can be a daily and ongoing battle with chronic pain.

Regardless of the cause, most back pain sufferers are looking for quick relief. Few remedies are better at providing quick relief than topical creams, and they also eliminate some of the unfortunate side effects of an oral pain medication.

NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are commonplace in medicine cabinets all across the country, and they are one of the things people reach for often when back pain hits. However, a common side effect with NSAIDs is stomach aches and, in some serious cases, bleeding ulcers.

It is difficult to imagine those in agony from back pain would want to trade it out for stomach pain.

This is where back pain relief cream comes in as an alternative that provides quick and temporary relief until you can address the root cause of the pain.

Back Pain Relief Creams: What’s in Them and How Do They Work?


When it comes to addressing back pain, the real win with topical creams is the fact that they work for the targeted area, versus oral medications that first travel to your stomach (where they could negatively affect your stomach lining) and then have to travel through your bloodstream before providing any relief.

A cream literally hits the spot and starts to work quickly by either numbing the area where the pain is present, reducing inflammation, blocking the pain signal from traveling to your brain, or some combination of all three.

Pain relief creams can generally be used in a variety of areas; for example, the same cream that brings back relief to you might also be rubbed on an aching shoulder or thigh.

Pain relief creams are generally safe, affordable, and effective ways to address pain, though they do have limits in terms of what they can do. The ingredients in the cream can only travel so far, and they may not be helpful with deep muscle pain or joint pain issues. Often, a pain relief cream is a temporary measure until the root cause can be determined and corrected.


Capsaicin Creams


If you can’t stand the heat, a capsaicin-based pain cream may not be right for you.

These creams for pain relief derive their heat from the same active ingredient found naturally in red hot chili peppers. This means a burning sensation will accompany its use, as the heat naturally blocks nerve receptors in your skin. These are the same receptors that send the message of pain to your brain.

Some find it satisfying to trade out the pain for heat, while others may find it too much to bear. This is just one option among pain relief creams available today.


You may not be familiar with counterirritants as a category of back pain relief cream; however, if you’ve heard of a menthol cream, then this is something you have more than likely used before.

A counterirritant provides the opposite sensation of a capsaicin cream. These topical treatments are known for their cooling sensation. Of course, we often associate ice packs with back pain and injuries, but they are impractical for people who need to stay mobile. 

This is where counterirritants come in providing the cool sensation of relief throughout the day without being forced to lie down on an ice pack for long periods.

Salicylate Creams

Salicylates are some of the most commonly used creams for back pain. They combine heat and numbing to soothe and provide instant relief. This can be incredibly effective when used to combat back pain.

Salicylates, however, can be problematic for those allergic to aspirin or anyone on blood thinners. You should consult your doctor to determine which topical treatments are best for you.

Tips for Using Back Pain Relief Creams 

Before you attempt to address your back pain with a cream, be sure to consider the following important tips:

  1. Never use a pain relief cream where you have any open wounds.
  2. Never use a pain relief cream and then apply a heating pad on your skin. This can cause serious burning.
  3. Consult your physician or pharmacist if you have any skin conditions (such as eczema) that could be exacerbated by the creams.
  4. Do not apply pain creams immediately after a shower. This is when your pores are fully open, and your skin will be the most sensitive.
  5. Be sure you wash your hands thoroughly after any pain relief cream application and avoid touching your eyes.
  6. Do not use pain relief creams if you are allergic to aspirin. 
  7. Read the manufacturer’s label and warnings carefully to determine if you have any other possible complications to consider before using, including contraindications with certain prescriptions or medical conditions.
  8. Discontinue the use of any pain relief cream that causes visible skin irritation or additional pain. 

Best Back Pain Relief Creams 

If you are in search of relief from back pain, a cream can work quickly to ease your discomfort. We have rounded up our favorite back pain relief creams below.

Aspercreme with Lidocaine Maximum Strength

Pros: No Menthol Odor, Easy to Apply 

Cons: Lidocaine Overuse, Tube Does Not Last Long

Size: 4.3 oz

Aspercreme is a trusted name in pain management, and this product containing lidocaine offers almost instant relief from pain.

This cream is non-greasy and easy to apply to the skin, with no burning or irritation. The benefits of lidocaine can last for several hours, so Aspercreme with Lidocaine Maximum Strength is an ideal way to address back pain before you head to the office or classroom.

Many of the topical products designed to target back pain have carried an unpleasant odor, but Aspercreme has delivered an odor-free pain reliever that consumers love. Additionally, they offer other types of targeted pain relief including patches and roll-ons, so there is an Aspercreme remedy available to treat a wide variety of aches and pains.

In addition to relieving back pain, Aspercreme is often used as an arthritis cream and by patients with fibromyalgia and strains from various injuries.

One of the key selling points of Aspercreme is the fact that it contains the maximum amount of lidocaine you can purchase without a prescription. However, topical lidocaine should be used carefully and sparingly to avoid some potentially dangerous side effects.

Always follow the manufacturer’s directions and discuss any concerns or any side effects with your physician.


Penetrex Joint & Muscle Therapy

Pros: Natural ingredients, Does not Stain Clothing

Cons: One of the More Expensive Pain Relief Creams

Size: 2 oz

If naturally derived pain relief is important to you, Penetrex is a fantastic option to address your back pain. This formula is powered by arnica, an herb shown to relieve pain, as well as vitamin B6, aloe vera, and shea butter. Many consumers favor products free from harmful chemicals and toxins and are willing to spend more money to ensure what they are using is safe as well as effective.

Penetrex, as the name implies, penetrates the skin to offer joint and muscle ache therapy. By alleviating pain with natural ingredients, you also minimize the risk of severely irritating your skin. Penetrex is a good choice for anyone with sensitive skin who is in search of relief from bothersome back pain.

This cream is paraben-free and not tested on animals. While it is not entirely odor-free, it does have what is described as a “vanishing scent”. In addition to treating back pain, it can also be used to provide relief from a wide variety of other ailments, from plantar fasciitis to tennis elbow.


Blue-Emu Muscle and Joint Deep Soothing Original Analgesic Cream


Pros: Odor-free, Non-greasy

Cons: Not vegan-friendly, Expensive

Size: 12 oz

Emu oil acts as a carrier oil, which is the main boasting point of this product. Its emu oil helps your skin absorb the glucosamine, aloe vera, and other ingredients that will ease your pain and soothe your skin.

Widely available at chain stores and other pharmacies, Blue-Emu takes its name from the emu oil ingredient that is reported to have anti-inflammatory properties. It also contains methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), which is not only believed to address pain and inflammation but also reduce the appearance of stretch marks and improve and enhance complexion, hair, and nails.

While Blue-Emu may carry a higher price tag than some other pain creams, it also acts as a great multi-purpose tool in a medicine cabinet. You can apply the cream to an aching back, use it to protect your skin in the sun, or even slather it on to repel insects.

In addition to the super strength cream, Blu-Emu also sells a fast-drying spray, which can be great for use outdoors. As a non-menthol product, Blue-Emu is easy to use with no greasy feel or bothersome odor.

Ultra Strength Bengay Topical Pain Relief

Pros: Three proven pain relief ingredients (menthol, camphor, salicylates)

Cons: Menthol Odor 

Size: 4 oz

If the packaging reminds you of the hues on your favorite bottle of hot sauce, this is probably intentional. Ultra Strength Bengay creates its heating properties through a good dose of camphor and menthol, making it a topical pain relief product that packs a powerful punch.

Bengay products have been used for more than 100 years, and at an affordable price point, this one is hard to beat in terms of value among pain relief creams.

As with all products containing salicylates, it is important to follow manufacturer guidelines and avoid overuse. Bengay instructs users to contact a doctor if symptoms persist for more than 7 days. While it is effective in treating back pain (or other strains, aches, and pains) it should not be used to treat a serious back injury.

This cream is non-greasy, but it does have a strong scent. Bengay offers a wide variety of other products as well, including popular pain patches.


Icy Hot Max

Pros: 4% lidocaine (the maximum amount available without a prescription)

Cons: The cold-to-hot sensation may be unpleasant for some users

Size: 1.75 oz

Prescription creams will contain 5% lidocaine for pain relief, so Icy Hot’s 4% provides similar relief for most users at a fraction of the cost. This popular over-the-counter product is a favorite among athletes, and it has been proven effective when it comes to treating back pain or a general muscle rub.

While this cream starts to work in just minutes, it will go on to provide targeted relief for hours. The numbing agents in Icy Hot target the aggravated nerves to reduce back pain, and it also works well for knee pain, foot pain, arthritis pain, and general muscle soreness.

The menthol in Icy Hot is what provides the cooling sensation, while the lidocaine acts as the heat. This combined sensation is one that many back pain sufferers swear by in the same way that one might alternate between the use of ice packs and a heating pad to target back pain.


Other Ways to Relieve Back Pain 

A topical cream is one of the easiest and most affordable ways to treat back pain temporarily. Since these creams can also be used for other types of pain and muscle aches, they are always good to have on hand in your medicine cabinet. However, there are also other ways to treat back pain at home and the office, including:


Quality Pillows and Mattresses

Do not overlook what an important role your sleep hygiene plays in back health. Poor quality pillows, mattresses, and improper sleeping positions could all be major factors contributing to your back pain.

Quality Footwear

Your shoes are another important area of focus when it comes to treating back pain. Investing in a good pair of walking shoes may be long overdue if you continually suffer from back pain.

Many of us spend hours hunched over a desk, and this can do a number on our backs. Practicing good posture can help, and tools such as ergonomically designed office chairs or standing desks can go a long way toward alleviating back pain.

Oral Medications
Some people couple the use of a topical pain reliever along with over-the-counter pain relievers. Be sure to discuss this with your physician first, especially if you are allergic to aspirin.

Just a modest amount of weekly exercise (for example, a brisk 30-minute walk a few days a week) can reduce back pain. Daily stretching is another healthy habit that could ease your pain as well.

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David Hawk

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